Omer was a refugee from the Middle East who was without hope and peace. The reason was, he lost his home in Iraq during the war. Because of this, he emigrated to Sweden. I spoke to Omer briefly from time to time and I noticed that he always spoke about his hardships. I realize he has experienced many traumatic and painful hardships and I want to understand what he has been through and the difficult circumstances under which he emigrated, but I found his speech very negative and never positive. I encouraged Omer to begin to reduce his thoughts about his past and to look forward. It’s very important to know how we view our life , because our past can create our future. We will not experience success if we keep talking about our failures because these words will not help us to have victory in the future. You might wonder if I had a quick solution for Omer’s problem with finding peace and hope? Cleary, understanding that the person is stuck in a cycle of disappointment and meditation on past, is very important. Feeling with the person is important to counsel him to find a solution and to find rest, is the extremely important. Life is short and dwelling on the failures of the past is not a solution for a better future. Let us use our words carefully, life is short and beautiful, and we thank God for the sweet and the sour. We need to begin not to focus on the negatives of the past and not to restrict the flow of the positive thoughts that might enable us step into a better future. When we focus on our past we are not able to see our future clearly. There is a difference between sharing your past experiences with others and holding onto the past. We need a clear understanding of the difference to live successfully and to develop our futures. If I focus on the past and speak about it a lot without thinking about a better future, my success will be reduced. God wants us to be thankful in everything. He knows that we will suffer in life but Jesus will be there for us. Let us be aware how we use our tongues, they can speak words producing life or producing death. Even when you do experience genuine failures in life and not success, I want to encourage you that God wants you to be blessed and successful, so don’t block His will by speaking negative things about yourself or others, even in these times . God hears and demon hears too. Your tongue has the power to destroy others or to lift others up. Let us encourage one another and renew our peace in our Lord Jesus.
Pro 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.