Be grateful

Be grateful.

I know a volunteer in Jerusalem who is from abroad. Even though she is from a poor family, she is always grateful for the small things. She encourages others and is always thankful. Seeing this reminds me that life is short, so why not be thankful for what we have? People of all backgrounds have different thoughts about others, and about themselves. It is important to be happy and grateful in all situations, even through the complicated ones. This mindset will allow for obstacles in our lives to be straightened out. When we are thankful, our perspective changes, and we see life in a more positive way. Being thankful through difficult times creates a stronger personality in us. Studies show that being grateful brings joy and good health, in contrast with bitterness, which brings does not bring about a good or healthy life. Did you know that surrounding yourself with people who are thankful brings about an aspiring life for you? In spite of any circumstance, we should always thank the Lord for the food we eat, the bed we sleep on, and the job that we have. Thanking our Lord for all the things He provides us in life will bring us enormous joy. Remember to always thank God, at all times, and in all situations.

Renew your peace.

Ephesians 5:20

Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ